SmartCard (Experimental System)
Smart Card Medical appointment application, (Experimental System) ( 2010)
This was my Master Thesis work and was supervised by Nestor Cataño. This project has as objective the development of a Java Card application with the support of formal specification in JML, which is used to correctly development an application. The application is to be held in a Smart Card with the purpose of managing the medical history as well as the medical appointments of the card holder.
The strategy presented by a colleague mine João Pestana, to transform informal functional requirements into formal specification was used to correctly develop the software application. A script prototype was development too support his strategy from the informal functional requirements until JML specification. (See Script tool) Started working on this thesis in January 2009 and the conclusion date was January 2010. (See Master Thesis Report, Master Thesis Annex, HealthCard Manual and HealthCard Code) Can be checked at
Great post I must say. Simple but yet interesting. Wonderful work!